One way to style the color of a tool is using colorstops where the state of the entity is used to choose a color for the tool. Both the fill and stroke attributes can be painted.
-type:'circle'position:cx:50cy:50radius:17.5entity_index:0# First entity is index 0show:style:'colorstops'# Format using colorstopscolorstops:# MUST be equal to show style!fill:true# Use the fill property (or stroke)colors:0:'#A8E05F'# Good (0..50) - Green51:'#FDD74B'# Moderate (51..100) - Yellow101:'#FE9B57'# Unhealthy for sensitive groups - Orange151:'#FE6A69'# Unhealthy (101..150) - Red201:'#A97ABC'# Very Unhealthy (201..300) - Purple301:'#A87383'# Hazardous (300 and up) - Brownstyles:circle:transition:fill 0.5s# Take 0.5s to change color
-type:'circle'position:cx:50cy:50radius:17.5entity_index:0# First entity is index 0show:style:'colorstops'# Format using colorstopscolorstops:# MUST be equal to show style!colors:-value:0fill:'#A8E05F'# Good (0..50) - Greenstroke:'#A8E0FF'-value:51fill:'#FDD74B'# Moderate (51..100) - Yellowstroke:'#FDD7FF'-value:101fill:'#FE9B57'# Unhealthy for sensitive groups - Orangestroke:'#FE9BFF'-value:151fill:'#FE6A69'# Unhealthy (101..150) - Redstroke:'#FE6AFF'-value:201fill:'#A97ABC'# Very Unhealthy (201..300) - Purplestroke:'#A97AFF'-value:301fill:'#A87383'# Hazardous (300 and up) - Brownstroke:'#A873FF'styles:circle:transition:fill 0.5s# Take 0.5s to change color